Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fun in the Snow

Jonas got a chance to have some fun with the garbage truck driver as the snow fell. The driver did some garbage can maneuvering tricks by moving the garbage can all over the place with the hydraulic arm before he dumped it. Jonas managed to squeeze through a new tunnel in his fort, it took awhile due to the limited of mobility of being encased in 8 layers of clothes. (bamboo diaper, polyester diaper wrap, t-shirt/pants, sweatshirt, snow overalls, winter-jacket, hat/mittens, and hood.

We have had plenty of snow to have plenty of winter fun in. The only problem has been the very cold weather which makes it hard to stay outside for long periods of time. We got a chance to do some family sledding at the park above our backyard. We don't have pictures of it but we managed to fit the whole family on a donated yellow torpedo sled from our neighbors Galen and Rose. It only made it through one run when it cracked under the location of Jonas's pregnant mom. It was such a great run we kept going down the hill in spite of the broken sled. We need to invest in an upgrade before we try to fit four next year.

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